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- Command To See What Super Server Running
if you want to see which super server is running on your webune linux dedicated server you can use this command [1349], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Webune Support
Sun Feb 28, 2010
508 Visits
if you want to see which super server is running on your Webune Linux Dedicated server you can use this command:
ps ax | grep inetd
the output might look like this:
1991 ? Ss 0:00 xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/xinetd.pid
12938 pts/1 D+ 0:00 grep inetd
the output should include a line with either the inetd or the xinetd command. some system run neither super server. you can control servers that launch via inetd through the /etc/xinetd.conf file. this file is about a seris of lines, one of each server. it may look like this:
# This is the master xinetd configuration file. Settings in the
# default section will be inherited by all service configurations
# unless explicitly overridden in the service configuration. See
# xinetd.conf in the man pages for a more detailed explanation of
# these attributes.
# The next two items are intended to be a quick access place to
# temporarily enable or disable services.
# enabled =
# disabled =
# Define general logging characteristics.
log_type = SYSLOG daemon info
log_on_failure = HOST
log_on_success = PID HOST DURATION EXIT
# Define access restriction defaults
# no_access =
# only_from =
# max_load = 0
cps = 50 10
instances = 50
per_source = 10
# Address and networking defaults
# bind =
# mdns = yes
v6only = no
# setup environmental attributes
# passenv =
groups = yes
umask = 002
# Generally, banners are not used. This sets up their global defaults
# banner =
# banner_fail =
# banner_success =
includedir /etc/xinetd.d