What Can You Do When wget Command Is Terminated
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- What Can You Do When wget Command Is Terminated
i will show you what you can do if or when you run the wget shell command on your linux terminal and you get a message that says terminated [3342], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Tue Jan 03, 2012
637 Visits
were you downloading something to your linux machine using the wget command when all of the sudden it stops and it gives you a message that says 'Terminated'
that can be so annoying. all that time you spent.. well, i have good news for you.
you can continue downloading whatever you were downloading and start when the file stopped. its easy. all you have to do is use the -c option
-c is for continue. it will continue with the where the last wget command left off.
for example: wget -c http://www.example.com/MyFiles.zip
hope that helps