The Coffee Shop #3 projects in Udacity's Full-Stack Nanodegree has been one of the toughest projects to complete with me. In an effort to help others who may be on the same situation as me. Normally I would not post and waste time but I feel I should because Udacity's Student support sucks. They haveChats, but no one replies to you. They have the mentors, but they never contact you and if they do, its a week later. I have not had any contact with the "Mentors", their forums sucks, I asked for help and no one replies. UPDATE: I got a reply a month later. So you are alone and have to figure it out by yourself.
Some might say, thats good because it forces you to find solutions. Yes, but not everyone is going to be on the same knowledge level. I am fortunate because I have taken other nanodegrees and know what they are looking for and I am familiar with the technologies they use. For example:
I am unfamiliar with neither of the above until I started this course. I use Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP for my Backend. I wish they would cover these technologies in their program but they don't so I have to learn new things. Don't get me wrong, I am in for learning, the issue here is the support they provide.
Alright, enough about Udacity, lets get down to what you need to do in order to successfully complete the project.
By now you should know how to download or "clone" their FSND repo. So lets review which files you will need to modify:
@app.route('/greeting', methods=['GET'])
def greeting_all():
return jsonify({'greetings': greetings})
) to build the database in the first run.
Note I had a big problem with Auth0 creating the callback URL with http://localhost - Auth0 does not allow localhost nor http - You MUST use the local IP address and HTTPS protocol, so your callback should be:
Otherwise, you will get an error like this in AUTH0
Error! Payload validaton error: 'Object didn't pass validation for format absoulte-uri-or-empty: https://localhost:5000/login on property initiate_login_uri(initiate login ur, just be https and cannot contain a fragment)
you will have to run your local servers on the backend and frontend to allow https. for python use the option and for ionic use the ssl option
don't forget to check your code with pycodestyle more info at
To start your backend server try this command:
flask run --reload --cert=adhoc
Open the site on your browser:
To start your frontend server, try this command
ionic serve -c --ssl --external --host=
Open the site on your browser:
To be a successful project and get it approved, you MUST pass all API calls in Postman, your runner should look like the image I posted above.
This is how the front end should look like:
Hope that helps you. If anyone is interested, I have posted in learning with my code, its in my Github repository.
UPDATE: I completed my FullStack NanoDegree and posted my resume in LinkedIn and Indeed. I am getting overwhelming invitations from recruiters. This knowledge will give you a career boost!
i have time how can i help you?