Brief History About PHP
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- Brief History About PHP
This Page Contains information about Brief History About PHP By Webune in category PHP with 0 Replies. [2026], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Fri Apr 25, 2008
530 Visits
if you are like me, i love php. i like programming PHP scripts and i often wondered who wonderful people made this great language possible. well here's a small and short history of what i know how PHP got started.
in 1994 an incredibly forward thinking man name Rasmus Lerdorf developed a set of tools that used a parsing engine to interpret a few maros here and there. They were not extravagant: a guest book a counter and some other index page elements that were cool when the Web as in its childhoood. he eventually cmobied these tools with a form interpretation called IF packae he had wrtitten and added some database support and released what was knowns as PHP/FI.
Then in the spirit of Open Source software development, developers all over thw rold began contributing to PHP/FI. By 1997 mroe than 50,000 web sites were using PHP/FI to accomplish different tasks and conection to a databse displaying dynamic content and so on
at the point, the development porcess really started becoming a team effort. with prmary assitance from developes Zeev Suarsky and Andi Gutmans, the version 3.0 parser was created. the fineal release of PHP3 occured in June of 1998., when it was upgraded to inlcude support ofr multiple paltcform (not for linux only) and web servers, numberous databases and SNMP (simple network management protrocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)