Can You Explain What Is The Linux Kernel
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- Can You Explain What Is The Linux Kernel
This Page Contains information about Can You Explain What Is The Linux Kernel By learnmepc in category Linux with 0 Replies. [3221], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Thu May 28, 2009
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the core component of the Linux operating system is called the Linux kernel. the kernel is responsible for controlling the hardware (via device drivers) in your computer, including the CUP, memory management, and all the other hardware interactions.
like many components of Linux, developers are continually improving the kernel and expanding its capabilities. the versions of the kernel is the major factor in identifying the versions of the OS
new versions of the kernel add support for newer and faster processors, main boards buses, and RAM. a version might support new technologist such as USB or Fire Wire interfaces. some revision fix problems known as bugs with hardware support or correct a reliability problem. unlike many other OSs, with linux you have the freedom to upgrade or customize the kernel at will