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- Chmod Permissions To Directories Only
This Post Will Show You How You Can Change Permissions Using Chmod In Unix/linux Command In The Shell For Changing The Permissions To A Directory Or All Directories Including Sub-directories Within Another Directory [3290], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
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Sun Feb 07, 2010
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this post will show you how you can change permissions using chmod in unix/linux command in the shell for changing the permissions to a directory or all directories including sub-directories within another directory
if you are a Linux administrator or just starting to program in linux you will find this information helpful.
so lets start this tutorial
lets say in our example, we want to change the linux permissions from 775 (drwxrwxr-x) to 777 (drwxrwxrwx) to all the downloads directory located at the following path:
/var/www/web/public_html/downloads/we can do it with just one command:
find /var/www/web/public_html/downloads/ -type d -print0 |xargs -0 chmod 777
now when you list all the sub-directories and file, you will see that the permissions under
/var/www/web/public_html/downloads/ have been changed to 777, except the files remain unchanged
hope that helps