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- Complete PHP Wallpaper Script Web Site With Administration
This Page Contains information about Complete PHP Wallpaper Script Web Site With Administration By web hosting in category Announcements with 6 Replies. [517], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
web hosting
Mon Apr 21, 2008
3908 Visits
If you are like me, I like wallpapers on my computer desktop. But its hard to find exactly the right wallpapers for your background.
I found a solution - Have your own wallpaper website instead.
These is what you will need:
1. A Complete and Full wallpaper PHP Script with a back end Admin Panel.
2. A Web Hosting Company that provides all the tools to make the script work. - Ofcourse, Here at Webune, they provide all the tools. An example is
http://www.wallpaperama.com wallpaperama is being hosted by Webune and its a great place to find the coolest wallpapers for your computer background and they are free best of all.
Once you have created an account with Webune, download the script.
I am not sure if it will work with other web hosting companies. I suggest you contact them first and ask them if you install the the wallpaper script it works fine. Make sure they offer all the requirement. I've come accross some web hosting companies that don't offer ImageMagik which this script requires it, But webune web hosting come automatically with ImageMakgik. So here is the link to donwload the free wallpaper script:
Its open source which means you can download it for free at no cost to you since its an Open Source GNU/GPL Code. You can donlown from here
Download Free Open Source Wallpaper Script
If you need help installing it, I had Travis from Webune's Support help me. If you run into any trouble post them here