How Many Characters Allowed In Domain Name
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- How Many Characters Allowed In Domain Name
This Page Will Answer How Many Characters You Need In A Domain Name And How Many You Are Allowed To Have In Max [1036], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Webune Support
Fri Oct 16, 2009
636 Visits
Thank you for visiting Webune Forums. As a web hosting provider, we offer web hosting for domain names. if you have a domain name and would like to have excellent support from your web hosting provider, you've found your solution - Webune Web Hosting.
one good question we get asked frequently is what is the maximum characters allowed in a domain name. well, if you are also asking yourself up to how many letters/numbers are you allowed to have in your domain name, the answer is: 63 - so if you are looking to register a domain name, give Webune A try.