int_set for memory limit in PHP
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- int_set for memory limit in PHP
This Page Contains information about int_set for memory limit in PHP By mr. admin in category General Errors with 4 Replies. [1719], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
mr. admin
Fri Apr 11, 2008
715 Visits
why am i getting this error all of the sudden
my script worked before
did you do anything to my server. if you did, i hope you realize that you just make my website go down and im loosing money. you will be responsible for all the money im losing trying to get this server up
have you added anything new to your server
this error simply means that php is limited to the amount of memory you have
i had a customer with vbulletins forums and he was getting the same error
basically what happened is that the script uses alot of memory from the server and php is limited to how much it can allocate memory for your script