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- Javascript Words To Avoid In Variables
This Page Contains information about Javascript Words To Avoid In Variables By Webune in category Javascipt with 0 Replies. [2172], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Fri May 23, 2008
428 Visits
if you like programming in javascript you will find out that there are some words that need to be reserved for your programming. there are some words you cannot use these are my list of do not use:
so keep this rule when naming your variables is to avoid the use of javascript reserved words. these are special words that are used for specific purpose in javasscript. for example, you've learned that the reserved word var is used to declare a javascript variable. using it as a variable name can cause numberous problesm in your scripts, since this word is meant to be used in a different way. the next table lists the reserved words in javascript. note that tall these words are used so they will become more familiar to you as you start to code more javascript.
abstract |
delete |
function |
null |
throw |
boolean |
do |
goto |
package |
throws |
break |
double |
if |
private |
transient |
byte |
else |
implements |
protected |
true |
case |
enum |
import |
public |
try |
catch |
export |
in |
return |
typeof |
char |
extends |
instanceof |
short |
var |
class |
false |
int |
static |
void |
const |
final |
interface |
super |
volatile |
continue |
finally |
long |
switch |
while |
debugger |
float |
native |
synchronized |
with |
default |
for |
new |
this |