Linux Shell Command To Zip And Unzip Files Linux
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- Linux Shell Command To Zip And Unzip Files Linux
This Page Contains information about Linux Shell Command To Zip And Unzip Files Linux By Webune in category Linux Commands with 1 Replies. [791], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Mon Apr 28, 2008
473 Visits
I have a fedora/red har install dedicated server. I just uploaded a .zip file.
As you know, i can only access my server through ssh.
I would like to know how to uncompress a .zip file in the command line.
I know how to unpack in windowns, but not familiar with linux.
The zip and unzip programs work almost the same as its cousins: PKZIP and PKUNZIP from DOS . You can compress many files together into a zip file like this:
Then you can uncompress this original files with this command:
Most of the flags are the same used in PKZIP and PKUNZIP, however, there are several differences, so you might like to view the help with zip -h or unzip -h if you need anything fancier than the basic commands which were show here.
If you want to use the -k flag when you zip a file under Linux, you can apply PKUNZIP to it under DOS. The -k flag tells the zip program to translate the Unix file and directory names into something that fits the more restrictive DOS naming pattern.
If you want more information on the zip utility, you can view the man pages with this command;