I used snippet generator alot to create snippets for my visual code these are my backups..

I have added three:

  1. GLobal
  2. Javascript
  3. Javascript React

Scroll down for each


	// Place your global snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and 
	// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope 
	// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is 
	// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: 
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. 
	// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"scope": "javascript,typescript",
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
	// }

	// https://snippet-generator.app/
	"Template for New Component": {
		"prefix": "vueTemplate",
		"body": [
		  "    <h1>$2PageButton</h1>",
		  "export default {",
		  "    name: 'PageButton',",
		  "    props:",
		  "    {",
		  "    }",
		"description": "Template for New Component"
	  "php start": {
		"prefix": "<php",
		"body": [
		"description": "php start"
	  "jquery simple": {
		"prefix": "$(",
		"body": [
		"description": "jquery simple"
	  },"jquery function": {
		"prefix": "$(",
		"body": [
		  "    ",
		"description": "jquery function"
	  "alert": {
		"prefix": "alert",
		"body": [
		"description": "alert"
	  "Myconsole": {
		"prefix": "con",
		"body": [
			"console.log(`LINE $1 $2=`, $2);"
		"description": "Log output to console"
	"select with options": {
		"prefix": "select",
		"body": [
		  "<select name=\"$1\" id=\"$1\">",
		  "    <option value=\"$2\">$2</option>",
		  "    <option value=\"$3\">$3</option>",
		  "    <option value=\"$4\">$4</option>",
		  "    <option value=\"$5\">$5</option>",
		  "    <option value=\"$6\">$6</option>",
		"description": "select with options"
	  "table with th and tr": {
		"prefix": "table",
		"body": [
		  "    <table class=\"table table-bordered\">",
		  "        <thead>",
		  "            <tr>",
		  "                <th>Header</th>",
		  "            </tr>",
		  "        </thead>",
		  "        <tbody>",
		  "            <tr>",
		  "                <td>Content</td>",
		  "            </tr>",
		  "        </tbody>",
		  "    </table>"
		"description": "table with th and tr"
	  "dbx to mysqli": {
		"prefix": "dbx",
		"body": [
		  "if ($$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost' || strstr($$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '192.168.1.')) $$localhost = 1;",
		  "if ($$localhost) {",
		  "    //echo \"localhost\";",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostname'] = 'localhost';",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostUser'] = 'root';",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostPass'] = 'ooo000';",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostDb'] = 'embed_call';",
		  "    ini_set('register_globals', 0);",
		  "    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');",
		  "} else {",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostname'] = 'localhost';",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostUser'] = '******';",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostPass'] = '*******';",
		  "    $$Cfg['SiteHostDb'] = '******';",
		  "    ini_set('register_globals', 0);",
		  "    //ini_set('display_errors', 1); // IS DEFINED IN index.php",
		  "if (!$$mysqli = new mysqli($$Cfg['SiteHostname'], $$Cfg['SiteHostUser'], $$Cfg['SiteHostPass'], $$Cfg['SiteHostDb'])) {",
		  "    if ($$Debug) {",
		  "        echo '<brSQL ERROR <br>' . __FILE__ . '  ---- LINE: ' . __LINE__ . '<br><span style=\"color:red\">ERROR= ' . mysqli_connect_error() . '</span><hr><pre>';",
		  "        print_r($$Cfg);",
		  "        echo '</pre>';",
		  "        exit;",
		  "    } else {",
		  "        die('Fatal Error #6 LINE:' . __LINE__);",
		  "    }",
		  "$$sql=\"SELECT * FROM scripts \";",
		  "if ($$result = $$mysqli->query($$sql)) {",
		  "    while($$obj = $$result->fetch_object()){",
		  "        echo '<PRE>LINE '.__LINE__.' - ';print_r($$obj);echo '</pre>';",
		  "    }",
		"description": "dbx to mysqli"
	  "usestate": {
		"prefix": "use",
		"body": [
		  "const [${1:VarName}, set$1] = useState();"
		"description": "usestate"
	  "MY useEffect function": {
		"prefix": "useEffect",
		"body": [
		  " useEffect(() => {",
		  "  console.log(`LINE 676 =`);",
		  "  playAudio(words[ActiveWordId].word);",
		  "  return;",
		  " },[ActiveWordId]) "
		"description": "edwin - useEffect"
	  "React New Component": {
		"prefix": "edwrc",
		"body": [
		  "import React from 'react';",
		  "function ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}() {",
		  "  return (",
		  "    <div>",
		  "      <h1>${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} Component</h1>",
		  "    </div>",
		  "  )",
		  "export default ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}"
		"description": "Edwin - React New Component"

	  "React Map": {
		"prefix": "map",
		"body": [
		  "            {${1:array}.map((${2:value}, ${3:index}) => {",
		  "              return (",
		  "                <div key={${3:example}}>",
		  "                </div>",
		  "              )",
		  "            })}"
		"description": "React Map"
	  "JSX Pre JSON": {
		"prefix": "pre",
		"body": [
		  "<pre>{JSON.stringify(checked, null, 2)}</pre>"
		"description": "<PRE> JSON jsx"
	  "Const Function": {
		"prefix": "const",
		"body": [
		  "const ${1} = (${2}) =>{",
		  "  ${3}",
		"description": "Const Function"

	  "Sharepoint Object Loop": {
		"prefix": "for",
		"body": [
		  "for (let [property, value] of Object.entries(${1})){",
		"description": "Sharepoint Object Loop"


	// Place your snippets for javascript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and 
	// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the 
	// same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
	// }

	"javascript class": {
		"prefix": "class",
		"body": [
		  "class Name{",
		  "    constructor(parameter){",
		  "        this.parameter = parameter;",
		  "    }",
		  "    method(){",
		  "    }",
		  "    ",
		  "    // GETTER ",
		  "    /*",
		  "    get varname (){",
		  "    }",
		  "    */",
		  "      // SETTER ",
		  "    /*",
		  "    set varname (){",
		  "    }",
		  "    */ ",
		"description": "javascript class"
	  "react map loop": {
		"prefix": "map",
		"body": [
		  "            {${1:Array}.map((object, index) => {",
		  "              return (",
		  "                <><div key={index}>{object.value}</div></>",
		  "              )",
		  "            })}"
		"description": "react map loop"

Javascript React

	// Place your snippets for javascriptreact here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and 
	// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the 
	// same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
	// }

	"JSON in HTML": {
		"prefix": "json",
		"body": [
		  "{JSON.stringify(${1:Object}, null, 2)}"
		"description": "REACT: JSON in HTML"

Javascript Typescript

	// Place your snippets for typescriptreact here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and 
	// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the 
	// same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
	// }

	"My component IONIC starter": {
		"prefix": "component",
		"body": [
		  "const ${1:ComponentName}: React.FC = () => {",
		  "    return (",
		  "        <>${1:ComponentName}</>",
		  "    );",
		  "export default ${1:ComponentName};"
		"description": "my ionic component starter"
	  "IONIC Basic Component": {
		"prefix": "edwIoniCComponent",
		"body": [
		  "import React, { useCallback, useState, useEffect, useRef } from \"react\";",
		  "import {",
		  "  IonContent,",
		  "  IonHeader,",
		  "  IonPage,",
		  "  IonTitle,",
		  "  IonToolbar,",
		  "  IonIcon,",
		  "  IonGrid,",
		  "  IonRow,",
		  "  IonCardHeader,",
		  "  IonCard,",
		  "  IonCardContent,",
		  "  IonCardSubtitle,",
		  "  IonCardTitle,",
		  "  IonButton,",
		  "  IonItem,",
		  "  IonLabel,",
		  "  IonList,",
		  "  IonItemSliding,",
		  "  IonItemOption,",
		  "  IonItemOptions,",
		  "  IonSearchbar,",
		  "  IonInput,",
		  "  IonAlert,",
		  "  IonButtons,",
		  "  IonModal,",
		  "  IonText,",
		  "  IonNavLink,",
		  "  IonNav,",
		  "} from \"@ionic/react\";",
		  "import {",
		  "  chevronBack,",
		  "  cloud,",
		  "  cloudCircle,",
		  "  cloudCircleOutline,",
		  "  cloudDownload,",
		  "  cloudDownloadOutline,",
		  "  cloudOutline,",
		  "  cloudUploadOutline,",
		  "  gitCompare,",
		  "  image,",
		  "  imageOutline,",
		  "  informationCircle,",
		  "  star,",
		  "  documentTextOutline,",
		  "  trashOutline,",
		  "  closeCircleOutline,",
		  "} from \"ionicons/icons\";",
		  "const ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}: React.FC = () => {",
		  "  return (",
		  "    <IonPage className=\"uploadTabMainWrapers\">",
		  "      <IonHeader>",
		  "        <IonToolbar color=\"primary\">",
		  "          <IonTitle>${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} IONIC Component</IonTitle>",
		  "        </IonToolbar>",
		  "      </IonHeader>",
		  "      <IonContent fullscreen></IonContent>",
		  "    </IonPage>",
		  "  );",
		  "export default ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE};"
		"description": "IONIC Basic Component"

	  "ts Function": {
		"prefix": "edw_ts_func_PROPS",
		"body": [
		  "const ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}(): React.FC<ContainerProps> = ({ name }) => {",
		  "  return (",
		  "    <div>",
		  "      <h1>${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} Component</h1>",
		  "    </div>",
		  "  );",
		  "export default ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}();"
		"description": "ts Function w/PROPS"

	  "TS Function SIMPLE": {
		"prefix": "edw_ts_func__SIMPLE",
		"body": [
		  "const ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}: React.FC = () => {",
		  "  return (",
		  "    <div>",
		  "      <h1>${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} Component</h1>",
		  "    </div>",
		  "  );",
		  "export default ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE};"
		"description": "TS Function SIMPLE"
	  "Ionic Typescript New Component": {
		"prefix": "edwionic_new_component",
		"body": [
		  "    IonPage,",
		  "    IonHeader,",
		  "    IonToolbar,",
		  "    IonTitle,",
		  "    IonContent",
		  "} from '@ionic/react'",
		  "const ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}: React.FC = () => {",
		  "  return (",
		  "    <IonPage>",
		  "        <IonHeader>",
		  "            <IonToolbar>",
		  "                <IonTitle>",
		  "                    ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} Title",
		  "                </IonTitle>",
		  "            </IonToolbar>",
		  "        </IonHeader>",
		  "        <IonContent  className=\"ion-padding\">",
		  "        ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} Content",
		  "        </IonContent>",
		  "    </IonPage>",
		  "  );",
		  "export default ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE};"
		"description": "Ionic Typescript New Component"
