OSI Transport Layer 4 Explained
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- OSI Transport Layer 4 Explained
This Page Contains information about OSI Transport Layer 4 Explained By Webune in category Networking with 4 Replies. [3397], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Mon Jan 17, 2011
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Layer Four - Transport Layer
the transport layer is responsible for the accuracy of the data transmission. it maintains overall management and control responsibilities. this fourth layer is what provides LAN network operating systems the intelligence to measure traffic performance that was not available with x.25 and other early packet-switching technologies. specifically being able to view in real-time the files a network user was accessing was a network management coup.
as an extra protective measure, a copy of the original message is archived at this layer until the successful and of transmission signal is received. if data retransmission is necessary, the message is retransmitted without returning to the original application.
if you think of layer 4 as a highway, the transport layer is the same as to speed recognition devise that relay the current recorded speed of your car.
transport layer is a reliable connection oriented and its used for management and control for accuracy
where as layer 3 is connectionless
Transport Examples: