What Is Ftp? Ftp Explained
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- What Is Ftp? Ftp Explained
This Page Contains information about What Is Ftp? Ftp Explained By lary in category Networking with 0 Replies. [3449], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Tue Jul 14, 2009
513 Visits
the most common and efficient method for transferring files over the internet is the FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL. FTP is also used for transferring files on an internal company network as it is quick to robust
most distributions of linux have an FTP server built in, called wu-ftpd, requiring only some configuration ot have it up and running. many operating systems, such as linux, UNIX, microsoft windows and OSX come with an FTP client program, but not all have an FTP server on board already installed
if you have a website, you can use an FTP client to upload all your site's files to your FTP server