What Is The Linux Operating System Explained
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- What Is The Linux Operating System Explained
This Page Contains information about What Is The Linux Operating System Explained By learnmepc in category Linux with 0 Replies. [3215], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Thu May 28, 2009
447 Visits
Linux is an opearint system that is used today to run a vast number of applications on many differnt hardware platforms.
linux can mange thousands of tasks simultanesouly and allows amny different users to access the system at the same time. ebcause of tehse capabilities, linux is refered to as a multitasking and multi-user operating system
REMEMBER THAT: multitasking and multi-user operating system - you will always see that in computer tests
when you power on your ocmputer, many things start to happe as Linux starts to load during boot up:
1. the linux OS kernael is loadad into memory
2. it then loads all the devices drivers that initialize the hardware components.
3. it loads the programs needed to start the user interface
4. system utities start up to provide such services as network connections and server functions.
you acn see all of this activity because linux display each omponent as it is loaded and confirms whether or not the command was successful. when the linux kernel loads, you will see a message OK if it was done successful.