Whats A Good Way To Name Variables In Your Scripts
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- Whats A Good Way To Name Variables In Your Scripts
This Page Contains information about Whats A Good Way To Name Variables In Your Scripts By Webune in category Javascipt with 0 Replies. [2173], Last Updated: Mon Jun 24, 2024
Fri May 23, 2008
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when you are writing scripts, at some point or another you will have to name your variables in your scripts. so whats the best way to call them. well, here are some tips i keep in mind when i do my programming, this is an example:
as you can see there are three ways you can name your variables using the dash in between, is this a good idea. i think it is, but you can also use an underscore symbol to separate your words. yet another trick to name your variables when you have multiple words is to use capitalization.
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