Create free Ionic account?

How do you bypass this prompt to create a free account in IONIC? As you may already know, creating a new app in ionic takes some time, depending on your bandwith and computer power, this can take a long time. Would it be nice if we just send one command, get up from your desk, and come back with an app already built? That is my goal today.

Update: As of September 07, 2021, this ionic cli command works best. For this example, I am creating an blank Ionic React App called MyAppName with no capacitor and ignore all prompts including if I want to create free Ionic account which I don't because I already have one. :)

ionic start MyAppName blank --type=react -capacitor --confirm --no-interactive

Starter Template List:

  1. tabs
  2. blank
  3. sidemenu
  4. super
  5. conference
  6. tutorial
  7. aws

Run your App​

$ cd myApp
$ ionic serve


The old way below:

So far, this is what I have to bypass all the other prompts:

ionic start blankApp blank --type=angular --capacitor -n

Now  you wont get this prompt anymore:

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? Create free Ionic account? No